Jun 11Liked by Thane Prince

I was so engaged by your points regarding allowing the next generation to take over work wise. I’m 71, have worked for 55 years and you have convinced me to stop. For all the reasons you outlined. Oh, and I too dislike natural wines Off to pit a kilo of cherries

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I’m pleased it touched a chord. Cherry pie and excellent alternative to actually working ! X

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Most definitely. I will have more time to make jams and chutney’s from your wonderful book which I have used for years since it was gifted to me by my wife’s sister

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Wow what an excellent looking pie.

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Thank you.

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Totally with you on all of this, not least the cherry pie which is exactly the sort of recipe we should all be making at this time of year x

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Jun 11Liked by Thane Prince

Thane, it's because of all that you've done, all that you've written and all the knowledge you have accrued, and so generously share, that you are so very much relevant! Sorry you felt that, though having left the Irish Times very recently after almost 40 years, I do understand your thinking, especially the bit about making way. But surely there's room for all of us x

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It wasn’t a bad feeling at all just a realisation

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Thane, this is such a beautiful, thoughtful, honest piece. I loved reading it.

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Thank you x

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Jun 11Liked by Thane Prince

What a great post, Thane - so thoughtful and honest. Love your voice and your insights ❤️

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Thank you Jenny , you are the personification of kindness

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Jun 11Liked by Thane Prince

I get it. Just enjoy doing what makes you happy. I’m 68 and not looking to break new boundaries. Just want to enjoy what I like. A lifetime ago we did all your cookery courses in Aldborough. The best days. Still use the recipes today. Too old for “twists”! Thanks for the good memories. Hope you’re keeping well

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How lovely to hear from you Jackie, they were special days indeed x

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Sandy and I often reminisce… they really were the best days! I hope your health is ok now and I love following what you’re doing. The cherry pie looks so good….

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Particularly the day you made Bob bring down your wedding shoes … so that was years ago! Except he brought the wrong ones and you sent him back for the right ones 😂

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We did use to drink rather a lot of wine with lunch.

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Now that’s really made me laugh! Yes, we’ve never done any other courses where we left hammered but neither have we laughed as much! Thanks for the memories 😊

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These days there is a pressure to always be 'on' with a constant commentary about your life. But sometimes the magic can be found in the quiet moments. Thank you for sharing. It resonates. Now I'm off to make cherry pie! x

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Author

Thank you. I was last week being pressed into drinking natural wine and I just said no,! I’m old school and not ashamed. Enjoy the pie xx

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I'm with you on natural wine!

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So good to hear about that very familiar fight between industry, creativity and doing exactly what you feel like doing! Have been having it ALL day. Love the pie recipe.

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Thanks x

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Sometimes it's ok to just pause - or stop - smell the roses and drink the wine.

I will always welcome your words, however they turn up.

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Thank you. You , I think , know exactly what I mean x

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I do. As much as I used to love being 'in' things, being 'out' of things made me realise I was tired. My own brain needed a good looking at, so I changed jobs, and became a full time home worker. The best thing I have ever done.

I do write quite a lot on here, but it's at my own pace, and at my own bidding. 😉💜

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Love it. Well done. Xx

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Loved reading this and smiled with recognition ... at 73 I believe I have earned the right to do what I like, when I like, or choose to do naught. But currently I am just enjoying collecting and reading those old cookbooks and writers and, occasionally and rather grumpily, reminding the younger generation that there was good food to be eaten pre 2000 and it was usually local and seasonal too! Note to self ... add cherries to shopping list.

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Bravo, well said and thank you! Now on the look out for some flavourful cherries to make the pie.

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Good to hear from you Thane as and when you wish. Life without pressure sounds much better.

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Your words are always welcome Thane. However, and whenever they appear, with no need to worry about FOMO.

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